Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pray for Daniel Bigu

****UPDATE**** (I copied and pasted this update from an email I just received)
"Let's start with the GOOD NEWS! Dan's kidneys as we have been praying are now working wonderfully - THANK GOD! His lungs are doing much better and yesterday he was able to remove the oxygen tube from his nose any time he wanted - another answer to prayer!!!
The right chest tube is draining ever so slowly which is a great sign of healing within the lungs and the fluid - they will be able to remove that soon!! The left tube is also slowing down but not as quickly!!
Danny is still strong in spirit, but as you can imagine -laying in a bed for 3 weeks can damper you! We are working to stream our Resurrection morning service into his hospital room via the net and the hospital is working with us on that - THIS WILL BE A GREAT LIFT TO HIS SPIRIT!!
So here is what we need to pray and if you are not familiar or have never prayed - just whisper in your heart on behalf of Dan - God will hear you!

That all works out for the streaming (how cool would that be)
Still in a lot of pain
complete healing and restoration to the lower limbs
The numbness in his pinky and ring finger in right arm
Continued Strength to the family
Financial Blessings as his father lost his job to due bankruptcy of the company he worked for."

I started this blog as a way of journaling my kid's lives but I want to take an opportunity to ask for prayer. A sweet, young boy from our church recently fell three stories and hurt his back. His name is Daniel Bigu. This happened during a mission trip to the Dominican Republic.

He needs prayer specifically for the healing of 1. His lungs- they were punctured during surgery in the Dominican 2. His kidneys- the strong medications have caused damage 3. His body- that he will be able to walk again!

God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask or think!


  1. We will be keeping Daniel in our prayers. God is a God of signs, wonders and miracles! Let's believe for a miracle! :) (Lindsay)

  2. Praying for Daniel. Keep us posted on his progress.

  3. We are definitely praying!!! God WILL to continue to use Daniel's life a to show His awesome power and reveal His resurrection power within each one of us who fully rely on Him!!!

  4. Thanks for praying! As you can see, I just put an update on this post. I failed to mention that his back is broken and he has a fractured neck. He is strong in his faith and knows that God has a plan and purpose for his life!
